Ni-Haody! I'm Angelo 👋

I'm a full stack developer, amatuer chef, purveyor of tiktok, and wannabe streamer. You can catch me volunteering at local hackathons, or buying up the worlds supply of single board computers (I'm coming for you, raspberry pi foundation!). Easy openers with me are cool tech stacks! I love learning about the cool new framework, database, or compute paradigm. Currently work as a full-stack developer at Amazon, under the Prime Video Sports division.

Cutting edge tech is my hobby! Deployed a full Lambda webscraper using GitHub actions as a fun weekend project, as well as deployed a serverless ECS/Fargate applet using GitLab runners a while ago. Look forward to the blog posts!

Experience 🖥️

Amazon Prime Video Sports 🏈 (2022-11 to Present)

As part of the Prime Video Sports division, we tackle the challenge of streaming live events. I have engineered AWS-native solutions for image matching on stream as well as handing the constant stream of metadata for live events. Also designed internal tools to speed up the current process of onboarding properties. Very familiar with core AWS serverless stacks like StepFunctions/Lambda, ApiGateway, ECS/Fargate, DynamoDB, and S3.

PIMCO Platform Engineering ☁️ (2020-05 to 2022-11)

Within the Platform Engineering team, we blazed the trail in leading a legacy finance firm into the modern cloud-native world. I developed abstractions on Okta to make developer authentication self-service and easy to use, as well as pushed adoption of Datadog logging to improve our observability goals. The tools I implemented actually decreased mean-time-to-root-cause for significant issues by several hours (I'm really proud of this).

Research Assistant @ Texas A&M 🔬 (2018-05 to 2021-02)

Was part of effort to develop new distributed QR-decomposition. I directly wrote the implementation used in the final paper, as well as developed tooling to automate the testing on the A&M Ada supercomputer.


Languages 👨‍💻

Java, Kotlin, C++, Angular w/ Typsecript, React, Python & related Python datascience tools

Databases 📁

Love No-sql like DynamoDB and MongoDB (Know but don't like DocumentDB). Familiar with sql DBs like PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.

Other 🕺

I'm AWS Certified! Use tons of AWS services day-to-day. Before Amazon, I used Gitlab runners daily as CI/CD, but now I use internal Amazon tooling (work) and Github Actions (fun). I love docker & kubernetes, ask me about my home server setup! It's over 50 containers!